Friday, 11 January 2013



最近反对党将会在Stadium Merdeka 搞一个号称百万人民的大集会,其实,也不算是最近,而是明天!2013年1月12号~这将又是一个惊天动地的大集会,因为这可能就是来届大选前的一个盛大集会,虽然我不知道第13届大选的真正日期,可是我可以保证来届大选肯定必须要在今年的3月内举行,因为3月就是国会的deadline,再不选,马来西亚人民真的会不爽的咯~这个集会这到底又是什么集会?讲好听的话,就是人民可以乘这个集会,来表达对国阵政府的不满,讲难听的,就是反政府大集会!就算真的是反政府大集会,我也觉得没问题,都摆明了是反对党搞的大集会,当然还有一些非政府组织的参与。目前以我们国家的种种不安的局势,真的!没办法了,一定要换政府了!国阵做中央政府已经要有56年了!这么多年来,我看到了人民不公平的待遇,什么bumi putra 的政策啦,种族问题啦, 也看到了当权者又多么的滥权,贪污,洗黑钱,搞到马来西亚就快要破产了!偏偏还有人还在那边什么 ’2020年大马宏愿‘!还什么如果反对党赢了就会变成回教国啦,我呐!恐吓你们就一流,求你们为国家做点事你们就嫌麻烦,嫌麻烦的话就换给别人做!当然,我只不过是一个无名书生,论读书,我不是很厉害,也不至于那么差,就okok咯,我没有伟大到像林冠英那样,为了正义而被放进监牢两次!也不像安华那样,可以天天在全国各地搞政治演讲,我能做的,就是尽量在网络宣传,让朋友们明白政治的重要,要为正义站起来,多关注国家的时事,当然不是逼你们做政治家,最起码,也去投票吧!难道还是那一句?'政治不关我事’?朋友!今时不同往日料咯,国家发生了那么多事,难道你们真的可以一直diam diam 咩?

大集会还没开始,我就已经看到很多是非了,又有人说,反对党想要乘这个集会来宣传他们的“新国旗”,什么屁来的?wat 人也没必要这么的 wat 吧?反对党已经说过,它们要改的,是马来西亚的经济,马来西亚的治安!而不是国旗!那些网络抢手,你以为你们找这些topic就可以吓倒我们咩?当然可能有一些无知的人会被吓倒,应该是那些还相信“卖华公会”的咯,哈哈!不管有什么无聊的是非,我只知道,明天的大集会,国阵一定又会在那边搞事情,如果你们要去Stadium Merdeka,大家要小心!不用怕,马来西亚人民!我支持你们!加油啊~


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Have a look back in 2012 and whats up 2013!

It's been a while that I didn't update my blog. Lazy is always my main reason, and I didn't have the will to update my blog, but now I have to~because its 2013! Time flies.....and soon I'm no longer a 19 years old kids, no more age started with '1', its a kind of sadness for me, I don't know why....well, nothing much for me to write for this blog, I just wanna write what were the national issues in my home country, Malaysia! and also those breaking national issues that happened in 2012, and of course, mainly political issues, what to do?politic is interesting what!

What I can say is, 2012 is been a critical year for the Malaysian, especially all those political issues, economy issues, and not to forget, ENVIRONMENTAL issues as well! 2012 2012, the main important one is... there is a high possibility that there will be a general election for Malaysia! but, as usual, our Prime Minister, Mr Najib, keep dragging the the date of the election, say what it will start on March lah, and then said maybe at June lah, July lah, and November lah and now, have to wait for next year, let me tell you mr PM! no matter when is the election, the people do still know how to vote and who to vote! so no point dragging!HAHAHA!

And....this is all those national issues and events that I know happened in year 2012. So to make it simple, I will make it into a point form...simple and nice right?and...this is it!       
  • Anwar Ibrahim, opposition leader (PKR,DAP,PAS) is found not guilty under the judgement of the high court in KL regarding the cases of having unnatural sex with Saiful and has been released straight away after the judgement on that day.

  • The debate between Chua Soi Lek from MCA party and Lim Guan Eng from DAP party.

  • Anti Lynas rally held on Kuantan, Penang, and some other places in Malaysia to show protest to the stupid Lynas factory which will cause high radiation in Malaysia! Anwar Ibrahim also promised that if PR take in charge of Putrajaya then Lynas will have to leave Malaysia!

  • Bersih 3.0 and Himpunan hijiau 3.0 held in Dataran Merdeka, a little chaos occurred and police are suspected to be the main chaos maker.

  • Selangor PR state government bought the land from Talam company due to the company are unable to pay the land tax, but Chua Tee Yong, the deputy Agriculture and Agro-based industries minister, insist that it is a dirty way for Selangor state government who bought Talam land, but when Tony Pua, MP of North Petaling Jaya, asked for a debate for this issues, Chua Tee Yong did not turn up for the debate because he just wanted to debate with the Menteri Besar of Selangor. At last, Chua Tee Yong did not turn up to any debate which is ask from the Pakatan Rakyat members, but he did speak a lot in The Star newspaper.

  • Walk to parliament, yet another effort from Anti Lynas members, lead by Wong Teck, walk from Kuantan to KL parliament to shows that they want Lynas out, but at last, they walk to Dataran Merdeka and few of PR MPs turned up n Dataran Merdeka and agree that if PR take in charge of federal government, Lynas issues will be their top priority and they will chase Lynas out of Malaysia!

  • Musa Hassan, former Chief Royal Malaysian Police, has publicly criticized that the minister of Home Affairs should not have the full control of the Malaysian Police, and should not be a busy body and current Chief Royal Malaysian Police is not strong enough to control the police department.

  • Anwar Ibrahim has frequently challenge the Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak for the debate to let the people see who is more qualified for becoming a prime minister, but Najib has replied that debate is not the culture of Barisan National government. 

  • Some college students occupied and start camping at Dataran Merdeka, they demand for a free high education from government, and requesh for demolishing the PTPTN loan, but government did not care about it, they even ask DBKL officer to chase them,and one day during midnight those students got attack from 'unknown' people and few students got injured. 

  • Mr Adnan  Yaakob! the Menteri Besar from Pahang, has even challenge that he will CUT OFF his ear if opposition party won the seat in Bentong and he criticized that the Anti Lynas 'walk to parliament' activity is just a plain nonsense, he even told the press that those people did not finish the whole journey by walking instead they use the cars, after his critics to the Anti Lynas organization, the public felt extremely angry about the way he talked.
As we can see, 2012 got so many important events and all types of issue, there is so many important events to tell but those above are considered as the most important one. 2013 is a very important years for the Malaysian! because whether our Prime Minister like it or not, the election must be held latest by March, and this is time that the people can vote, and this time! its like never before! as we can see, things are not going right at all in Malaysia! people nowadays dare to stand up and fight for their rights! Look at Bersih 3.0, I've finally see the real unity of the Malaysian! Time to made a change this time! I'm very looking forward to for this upcoming election! Lets do it Malaysia!

Once again Happy new year guys! :D