Saturday 15 December 2012



2008年年头,那时才15岁的我,刚刚从吉隆坡的一间中学转校到一间位于云顶半山的国际寄宿中学,当时的我,对政治并不是有着很大的热诚,当时的我,和其他的学生一样,喜欢打电脑游戏,喜欢用电话和女生sms,打球,看戏等等。每次一听到政治,我的朋友全部就说他们吃钱啦,没有用啦,什么什么华人当首相才好啊,当时我也不太喜欢看报纸,所以对政治的知识是‘零’,只知道有一个好像天坪的蓝色旗,叫做国阵,然后有一个类似火箭的旗,我把它叫做火箭党,然后有一个好像日本国旗的,可是他的颜色是以青色为主,叫做回教党,当时我不明白宗教的重要,在别人和报纸的大力感染下,我就误以为回教党是一个不好的政党,是坏的,当时无知的我,所知道的,就只有这么多。 2008年,全国大选,当时的反对党在大选中赢了很多票,我还记得当时成绩揭晓的时候,我还在Kepong一间餐馆吃晚餐,当时我父亲突然间收到一个朋友的电话来电,我的印象中,我的父亲电话里听到非常激动,我还听到他对我们说‘周美芬输了’,当时我还不懂什么周美芬啦,后来才知道,原来周美芬是Petaling Jaya北区的候选人,当时的大选她输给了来自行动党的潘检伟。我父亲越听越开心,但是他也赶紧叫我们快快买单走人,当时我还不明白,‘反对党赢了,为什么还要怕到要回家’?后来才知道,1969年的大选,反对党就是赢了太多,才会引发513事件的,我父亲就是因为这样,才会担心2008年,这件事情会在重演。后来什么事情都没发生,看来这次,马来西亚人要改变,是来真的了!

308政治海啸过后,我也并没有对政治拥有热诚敢,也可能是因为我还小,新闻接触的也不多,和不懂事吧!当时我的父亲有对我说有关政治的东西,尤其是林冠英,虽然308过后,我有听说过这个人,可是他到底是什么来头,那我可就真的不知道了,我父亲很喜欢和我说他的故事,不是因为他是华人,而是因为他以前曾经为了一个马来少女伸冤,而被国阵的人放进监牢里!后来我也才知道,林冠英是槟城首席部长。我对政治的热诚就开始慢慢的在2010年的乌鲁雪兰莪补选中慢慢的培养出来了,当时我还不懂那一个政党比较好,所以就盲目的跑去支持Najib的国阵政府,也对1 Malaysia拥有很大的兴趣,也很喜欢马华政党,当时在学校还很喜欢在书里画那些马华的党旗,以前的我,就是那么的无知,什么都不懂,哈哈哈!幸亏时间慢慢的久了,我也开始对政治有了根深入的了解。

2011年的砂劳越大选,我开始接触了反对党人物的现场演讲,我每次都喜欢在YouTube听他们的演讲,尤其是太平国会议员倪可敏先生的精彩演讲,从那年起,我就这样开始变成反对党的支持者了,我也发现,民联(行动党,回教党,公正党)的政策,也会比现任的国阵中央政府好很多了,2011年,我接触了很多新的国家话题,最出名的,就是轰动全马来西亚的Bersih 2.0,一个为了公平选举的非政府组织,当时我在学校宿舍一直和我的朋友谈这个话题,当然,换来的,就是朋友的嘲笑,有的人直接把我的名字叫做Bersih,他们不知道Bersih的意义是什么,那种被人家笑得感觉真的很不好受,可是现在的我,看看我的过去,我真的很开心!当时的我,就已经开始对国家大事拥有莫大的关心,这些知识,不一定是从课本能学来的,就算是高才生也未必会了解这些东西。

2012年!是一个很重要的年份,因为Najib说过今年很有可能就会举行全国大选,所以很多人对政治的热诚,又开始慢慢的热起来了,看到了国阵的腐败,马华的’大话‘,看到了行动党的林冠英和马华蔡细厉的辩论!看到安华很努力的走遍全国为人民演讲,看到了428 Bersih3.0的大游行,看到人民慢慢的团结起来了!种种大事,令我本人非常期待全国第13届的大选的到来!这次的我,不再是像以前那样,什么都不知道,什么都不懂,no more!这次,我要亲眼看到国阵怎么倒台!加油马来西亚!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Television, for me and my country.

This time we have our second last lecture for media appreciation, and the topic for our second last lecture is about television, who invented the television, how television work in the past and until now, how did it affect the life of the people,blah blah blah, and so on.

Television! before I was born, my parents already owned a television inside the house, it was still black and white, and it is so expensive and it is so heavy, unlike nowadays, Plasma, LED,LCD and it is much cheaper if compare from the past. I'm so lucky that I was born in the age of colored television and I'm so happy that my house owned a television with a 50 inch of size! which is very expensive during that time in 1993. I remembered my first ever show which I watch in television was Doraemon! During that time there were no CD player,but instead, they use video tape player! I can continue watching the same shows frequently without getting bored since a video tape cost a lot for me.

After I reached the age at 7, our family subscribed to Astro service, which means that we can watch any international channel such as, CNN, BBC, NHK, ESPN and other channel which my family were so excited at that time. During the year of 2001, I remembered that it was the peak age that everyone started to watch television, because of 911 incident happened in New York, USA. I remembered that time it was 11th of September, 2001 9pm in Malaysia, my parents was so excited and they run to the tv room and asked me to switched the channel to Phoenix Channel, and I was not aware that I was watching a breaking tragedy news happened in USA! Television accompany my childhood ever since I was born, I also witnessed the changes in television, from a normal tv channel to Astro channel which I can watch channel from world wide!

And...let me talk a little bit about the local tv station in Malaysia, we have TV1, TV2, TV3, NTV7 and few more tv station which is less than around 20, and frankly speaking, Singapore has more local tv station than my country which I don't understand why, and I personally doesn't support those local tv station in my home country, mainly point is always got related about national politics and this time it is also the same, because our local tv station is mainly controlled by our government! it is the fact that our government controlled nearly all the mainstream media in Malaysia, there is a few strong evidence to prove that our government controlled the local tv station, FIRST one, as a democratic country, all the political party should has the right and privilege to use the local tv to advertise their party to gain the vote during any election period, but every time when I switched to any local tv station, I can only see only those ruling party of the federal government which is BN, on the tv, they only shows how good BN government are, and the local didn't allowed the opposition party which included, PKR, PAS and DAP to promote themselves in the tv, which is totally unfair to the nation, the party and the people! No wonder the opposition leader have to go to all the single places in Malaysia to make his political speeches (ceramah). For the SECOND one, during Bersih 2.0 rally in Kuala Lumpur, a lot of people witnessed that few police officer kicked and whacked those who got caught by them during the rally, there is even video on Youtube but the funny part is, the local tv said that the police has done a great job during the rally, they had ensure the 'safety' of the civilians during the rally, what kind of nonsense is this?! And there is video to proved that our Federal Reserved Unit, (FRU) did shot the tear gas right to the Tong Shin hospital, but the local tv argued that it is just the problem of the angle and they didn't do that. Well, it is sad to see that our local television has not basic freedom but we believe that we can make a change during the next coming general election.

Nowadays I can see that a lot of people seldom watch television, mainly because they can watch it through their smart phone and also their laptop, there are people even said that television is going to extinct soon in future, but I think that this is impossible! because we do watch live football from television from the past until now, and there are people who love to watch the daily tv news through television rather than watch it through phone, this also shows that television is still wanted  in the society and I believe television will last forever and after.