Wednesday 26 September 2012

Media Appreciaiton Theory.

At the beginning when I attended classes of media appreciation, I found out that this may be the hardest subject for me, because there are so many things for me to understand and memorize, but soon later I found out that this subject is quite interesting and especially when I learn all those theory.

We learn about attitude change theory. reinforcement theory, two step flow theory, social cognitive theory and I am so impress about dependency theory, according to my lecturer slide, dependency means that it assumes that the more a person depends on having his/her needs meet by media use, the more important will be the role that media play in the person's life and therefore the more the influence the media have on what person, for my own explanation, it means that a person who will believe what the others say about, the 'others' can be newspaper, or a person, newspaper can be the most reliable one to the person because what the newspaper say is true, and this is the reason that why 'MCA' bought 'The Star' newspaper, and I believe all this are base on political situation, and I even believe that they can even control what the newspaper should write about. The reason that I choose to write about this particular theory is because I am the one who is the dependency type, for example, 'Malaysiakini', the online news in Malaysia, I trusted this news site because this news is owned by themselves without any disturb from the government, so what they wrote is always the truth. Another example will be political speech given by politician, when any of the leader giving a speech, I can see that a lot of his/her supporter will cheer and definitely they will fully influence by them, this is what I am too, for example, Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the opposition party, I'm always get influence by the way he speak, and basically he a great speaker, he can always gain the attention from the people when he is giving the speech, and this is all dependency theory about and of course there are other explanation for this particular theory.

Memorizing theory is a very difficult way to do so, and I would suggest all my friends, try to understand the theory rather than memorizing, and...theory will be even clearer when there is example from this theory. :)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

I love newspaper

Tuesday, 4.30pm, as usual, we have our lecture for media appreciation,and this time, it is something very interesting for me in this class. Because we learn about newspaper!

I have to admit that I love to read newspaper and this is why this time I can give my fully attention in this lecture, I used to read newspaper when I was in my secondary school, although nowadays I seldom read newspaper after entering college, but I do still read online news from the internet, and nowadays I'm addicted to reading 'Malaysiakini', which is a online news about politic, for me it is interesting and I enjoyed reading it too. Today we learn about the process of the daily newspaper and we focus more on 'The Star' newspaper, from this lecture I understand that the editor used to have a daily meeting to decide who will go and get the news and I understand that the newspaper are printed at midnight while we are enjoying sleeping! Basically I learned all the process of the newspaper and I found it so much interesting, and I also understand the concept of the newspaper, the different types of news, category, it is so fun and I enjoyed the lecture for today. I love to read newspaper, this habit was developed when I was around 10 years old, that time I used to read the sports news and I seldom read the world or the local news, the habit soon developed after I entered a boarding school in Genting, mainly is because I have nothing to do in the school so I started to read newspaper when I am free and this good habit develop until I have to read newspaper EVERYDAY after my school ended.

I am so proud that I have a good habit of reading newspaper and I can follow the class especially classes for media appreciation. Reading newspaper can keep you updated, you can get to know what is happening around the world, some of my friends used to say that reading news is boring, the news are the same everyday, but I don't think so, the news are mostly always different and new everyday! Read newspaper if you don't believe it. By reading newspaper you can understand what are your parents talk about, and your parents will definitely feel happy by doing so, newspaper can also give you more knowledge, there is a saying, newspaper can be an alternative way of getting knowledge of the world. I also understand that there are many type of newspaper, for example, National daily newspaper which I read everyday, regional newspaper which is available for a certain states, and also political newspaper such as, Paper Suara Keadilan, Roketkini newspaper. In my own opinion, I think that 'The Star' newspaper is a kind of political newspaper, mainly is because this newspaper is owned by 'MCA', one of the ruling party of Malaysia, and they can always control what the newspaper should write about especially the political news, they will never tell the truth when comes to political news, and they will never publish the truth behind.

I enjoyed the overall classes so far, and I really hope that my interest in this subjects will go on in my future life, and.....dear friends, if you wanted to gain more knowledge about this world, trust me, read newspaper, you will never regret after reading it. Salam Bersih. :)

Monday 24 September 2012


Everyone has their own genre and so do I, there are many types of genre in music, for example, Jazz, pop, rock, hip-hop, rap and others. For my genre in music, I love music that can made me felt energetic, for example, rock music, one of my favourite song was Numb which is sing by Linkin Park. This song can made me feel warm and felt energetic to do something that I can't really do at all, and I gain my confident after listening to this song.

My genre in movie is Hachiko: A Dog's Story, this movie is the only movie which touched my heart deeply and I nearly cried after watching this movie, this movie has teaches me how to treat our pets nicely, and this movie also tell us that animal also have their sense of humor, and from this movie I've understand that my life isn't that bad actually, it overcomes the problem that I had in my current life, it made my mind peace, and full of happiness.

And of course, I have my favourite type of my books, be frank I seldom read much books and I only read the book which is interesting to me, the book that I enjoy the most is. 'You are an apple of my eyes'. I apologize to my lecturer because this book was written in chinese language, but I have to say that this book is the book which talking about the life that I had when I was still in secondary school, and this book brings memories to me.


This time we learned about semiotics! and as usual, it is all about thinking! and I understand that words can even made us to think deeply about!

From what I can understand that a words has different types of meaning, when people heard about the words, what comes into their mind may be as different as what I am thinking about, for example, football, when comes to this words, the first thing which came into my mind is, Barclays Premier League! just because I'm a football hooligans, but for my other friends, what they may think about is world cup, because during that time only a lot of his friends will started to talk about football, and when this words came to a girls, I believe that most of them may think that it is just a types of sports and that's all, why a words football may have so many meanings to us especially guys? this is because football is worldwide well known words, people may think differently after hearing the words football, same goes to other words, there is no any other words that has the exact meaning that we can think about.

So what it can means to us when this picture came to you? people may think that it is political person, and it can be a person?or a man who went into jail in 1998. For me, I would have said that this person may can be the person who might change the current situation of my beloved country, as a lot of people know, he is the leader of an opposition party of Malaysia and he also the president of PKR party.

And basically a words can mean many things to us, feel free to think more when you encounter something, and trust me, it worth a lots!and you will gain more knowledge by doing so.

Media Literacy

This time, our lecturer teaches us about media literacy, when I heard about literacy, what I can I think about is the people who are good in reading and writing but in media literacy it is not the same.

From the definition of my lecture slides, media literacy means that  it provides a framework to a access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, another definition it can be, watch carefully and think critically, the best example, movies, nowadays there are not much movies that can made us to think deeply about, because a lot of audience prefer a movie which can either made them happy or easy to think about, and I believe most of the audience will never spend the time thinking about the movie after they watch and this is why nowadays, action, comedy, romance movies are famous. But in fact, movies can be the best idea to spread the thought of the author or the director to the public, and movies won't cost you much of the time, maximum 2 hours perhaps. The movie that I would like to talk about is 'Nasi Lemak', which made by our local artist, NameWee, a lots of my friends has watch the movie and I've heard different types of comment of this movie, some of my friends think that this movie is boring, some think that it is just a movie that can made us laugh. At the beginning when I watch this movie, I felt that it is bored and it has nothing to learn about, but soon after an explanation of my dad's friends I found that this movie is not that simple! I've found that the meaning of this movie, 'Nasi Lemak' its about strengthen the unity among Malaysian and this movie also talks about the national issues which happened in Malaysia, for example, Hang Tuah, from what I learn from my history text book in primary times, it said that Hang Tuah is a Malay warrior who work under Sultan Mansor Shah, but, recently there was a research saying that he is actually a Chinese warrior who came from China, and NameWee and put this scene in this movie although nobody realized that.

Basically what I've learn from this lesson is, when we are watching any movies, or reading newspaper or reading an article, try and feel free to think deeply about what is the meaning inside, so that we can learn more and be real literate. :D

French movie!

Friday, 4pm, and as usual, we have our Media Appreciation lecture, and this time, our lecturer decided to let us to watch a French movie, and be frank, I was worrying that he is going to show us the movie like 'Baraka', I understand that the movie has a lots of meaning inside but, with just music and pictures for that movie, I can actually sleep! sorry for the insult, and I'm glad that this time it is not!

The name of this movie was 'Delicatessen', a words which is a German loanword which first appeared in English in 1889, and it is actually a French word, the meaning is, a food which is specially prepared, and actually it has nothing to do with the movie. My lecturer told me that this movie is a very intelligent movie and it requires us to do a research and write about it and so here am I. When the movie begin,I can see a French man who tried to ask the owner of the flat to give him a job, and at last, he got the job and he stay in the flat, the main actor, Louison, who used to work as a clown, get to know the daughter of the owner and soon they fall in love to each other, for what I understand in this movie, during that period the food is short in supply so grain is counted as their currency, and throughout this movie I understand that during that period the food is scarce, so anything can happen, for example, the owner even tried to kill Louison to eat him!

Basically this movies has a lots of deep meaning inside, if you wanted to know more about this movie, go and watch it.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Taboo time!

Today I have an awesome time with my course mates! We had a join tutorial class for Media Appreciation, and this time, our lecturer decide to let us to play a game instead of having a class which I believe few people will felt bored and go to toilet instantly.

The name of the game is so called 'Taboo' a game which can make our brain to think and process fast, basically I've played this game before during my high school time but this time it is a bit different from my version, for this time, we don't act it out once we get the word, instead we need to say it out, and explain the meaning of words which we have few key words that we are not allowed to say it out too, and of course, we have to explain it in a short time because the time is limited. There are few games which is similar from this games for the best example, Puzzle. From this game I found a lot of lesson that I can learn from this game, the best example, teamwork, the moment when my teammates are trying his or her very best to explain the word, all of my teammates were excited of guessing it, and the main reason that we were exciting guessing the word is, we wanted to beat the other team! so I founded that actually mt course mates are so clever while playing this game, and I have to sit quietly since I'm quite poor in guessing it. Our lecturer told us that we can choose anyone from the team to do the explanation, so at the beginning I did not prepare myself for this game, and I decided to sit and guess the word as good as I can. But soon the moment when I realize that the point that we got for our team are so far behind from our opponent, I decided to represent myself for my team. When I got the word, all the thing that came to mind is, how am I going to explain it out, I found that there are few words that I can't understand so I have to find a word that I can explain and describe it out, luckily at last, I got one word guessed correctly, although it is just one and few of my classmates got six words correct, but few of my team mates said that I explained it very well, so I was happy with my performance.

I believe the most important lesson from this game is, learn to think and process fast, my lecturer was absolutely correct, the moment when you get the word, you need to explain and describe it clearly as the time is limited, and from this game we can see who has a faster process if brain, and we can improve more with this game. I enjoyed a lot in this game, hope to play the game again, and for those who had not tried this game, go and try it, you will love it. :)

Monday 3 September 2012

Think before you speak!

Morning! and it's Monday! What a day for me and I got a lecture on 10am and by 9.30am I'm fully prepared for the lecture, so I decided to find my friends since he came to school early too.

I met him at starbucks and I realized that one of his friends were there too, a young smart guy with a handsome look, he is from Catholic High School,school which is famous for discipline problem, so I sat down and we have a chat to each other, I was talking about whats happening on 30/08/2012,a rally for Janji Bersih organized by Pak Samad Said, I was totally suprised and felt pissed by the way he talk about the rally during that day, he said he heard that there are people who made a flag which is mixed up with Indonesia national flag and Malaysian Jalur Gemilang flag, and he said that this will be the flag which will be the new flag which imposed by the opposition party of Malaysia if they take over control of Malaysia, I was like 'what, you kidding me?!' yup, I saw the photo of the 'national flag' but have you ever check the main purpose of Janji Bersih? Our election used to be dirty so that is why we need Bersih! We love our country so thats why we need Bersih and do you think we wanted to change the flag?use your brain before you talk kids! Obviously those people must be a people who tried to mess everything up during the rally, who did that?who ordered them to do so?who else will do that?I believe you know the answer, and yet he criticized the Bersih rally for the past few years, he said that these people are trying to mess up the country and create riot in Malaysia, obviously he know nothing about Bersih, and when I asked him did you went to Bersih rally?he said no, I asked where do all this news came from? he said by someone, he also said that he never read newspaper and online news, obviously, he is a kids with 0 knowledge about Bersih!

He said that Pakatan Rakyat is not a good party, because he said that they have no experience about ruling the country, hey man! do you think Barisan National is fully experienced when he took over the country after Merdeka in 1957? We might not know how good is Pakatan Rakyat but we know how freaking bad the Barisan National is! he said Lynas is good because Lynas will help to improve the economy of Malaysia, I was like 'WTF'?! do you think there is any other country which is rich because of putting a dangerous rare earth material factory which contained a lot of RADIATION in their own country?! Even the people in Kuantan don't even wanted Lynas to be build in their area, so if you support Lynas, for godness sake! Move your house beside Lynas factory lah! So my conclusion, don't simply speak without finding the sources of the news, find the news by yourself and get to know about it!

One thing to clarify, I am not speaking on behalf of the opposition (Pakatan Rakyat) and not even (Barisan National), all this will be my opinion on whats happening on me this morning when I have a talk with a person which I've just know him this morning. I am a middle person in politics and what I can say now is, my country need a change! we might not know what will happen if Pakatan Rakyat took control in Malaysia but we know that 55 years of BN ruling since merdeka is enough! enough of spoiling my country! we people can give BN for 55 years then why not for PR? just 5 years the maximum and you can change if you don't like it. Just remember to vote if you are above 21 years old. Hope I will not get caught by the police under Section 114A.