Monday 24 September 2012

Media Literacy

This time, our lecturer teaches us about media literacy, when I heard about literacy, what I can I think about is the people who are good in reading and writing but in media literacy it is not the same.

From the definition of my lecture slides, media literacy means that  it provides a framework to a access, analyze, evaluate and create messages in a variety of forms, another definition it can be, watch carefully and think critically, the best example, movies, nowadays there are not much movies that can made us to think deeply about, because a lot of audience prefer a movie which can either made them happy or easy to think about, and I believe most of the audience will never spend the time thinking about the movie after they watch and this is why nowadays, action, comedy, romance movies are famous. But in fact, movies can be the best idea to spread the thought of the author or the director to the public, and movies won't cost you much of the time, maximum 2 hours perhaps. The movie that I would like to talk about is 'Nasi Lemak', which made by our local artist, NameWee, a lots of my friends has watch the movie and I've heard different types of comment of this movie, some of my friends think that this movie is boring, some think that it is just a movie that can made us laugh. At the beginning when I watch this movie, I felt that it is bored and it has nothing to learn about, but soon after an explanation of my dad's friends I found that this movie is not that simple! I've found that the meaning of this movie, 'Nasi Lemak' its about strengthen the unity among Malaysian and this movie also talks about the national issues which happened in Malaysia, for example, Hang Tuah, from what I learn from my history text book in primary times, it said that Hang Tuah is a Malay warrior who work under Sultan Mansor Shah, but, recently there was a research saying that he is actually a Chinese warrior who came from China, and NameWee and put this scene in this movie although nobody realized that.

Basically what I've learn from this lesson is, when we are watching any movies, or reading newspaper or reading an article, try and feel free to think deeply about what is the meaning inside, so that we can learn more and be real literate. :D

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