Wednesday 26 September 2012

Media Appreciaiton Theory.

At the beginning when I attended classes of media appreciation, I found out that this may be the hardest subject for me, because there are so many things for me to understand and memorize, but soon later I found out that this subject is quite interesting and especially when I learn all those theory.

We learn about attitude change theory. reinforcement theory, two step flow theory, social cognitive theory and I am so impress about dependency theory, according to my lecturer slide, dependency means that it assumes that the more a person depends on having his/her needs meet by media use, the more important will be the role that media play in the person's life and therefore the more the influence the media have on what person, for my own explanation, it means that a person who will believe what the others say about, the 'others' can be newspaper, or a person, newspaper can be the most reliable one to the person because what the newspaper say is true, and this is the reason that why 'MCA' bought 'The Star' newspaper, and I believe all this are base on political situation, and I even believe that they can even control what the newspaper should write about. The reason that I choose to write about this particular theory is because I am the one who is the dependency type, for example, 'Malaysiakini', the online news in Malaysia, I trusted this news site because this news is owned by themselves without any disturb from the government, so what they wrote is always the truth. Another example will be political speech given by politician, when any of the leader giving a speech, I can see that a lot of his/her supporter will cheer and definitely they will fully influence by them, this is what I am too, for example, Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of the opposition party, I'm always get influence by the way he speak, and basically he a great speaker, he can always gain the attention from the people when he is giving the speech, and this is all dependency theory about and of course there are other explanation for this particular theory.

Memorizing theory is a very difficult way to do so, and I would suggest all my friends, try to understand the theory rather than memorizing, and...theory will be even clearer when there is example from this theory. :)

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