Thursday 29 November 2012

History. A fiction story about May 13.

Friday 23th of November! We had our last lecture for Media Appreciation, and as usual, our lecturer showed us a documentary movie about the atomic bomb which was dropped in 2 main Japan city. Before that he said that we might going to cry after watching that but at last, I did not manage to make my tears to come out.

Before our lecturer start playing that movie, he did tell us that he failed his sejarah (history) during his SPM examination, and he felt proud of it, I am so sad to hear that because I love history so much, he said he got good result in other subjects expect history paper, which is totally different with my situation, during my O Level examination, I did not manage to get even a credit in maths and economy paper, which my parents are so upset until now, but I'm proud to say that I have a good interest which not many others does, which is, studying history! and this is why on that Friday, that documentary movie made me alive during the lecture time! I agreed that this documentary movie is based on the real story which really happened in Japan and USA, but I personally think that they did not tell the story fully enough, and I myself think that I can talk even more about the making of atomic bomb and how they use it to Japan. But I do have a story which is quite interesting to tell which is related about.......May 13! I know it is quite a sensitive topic to talk about, but, with this history knowledge we can learn from it so that we won't make this tragedy to be happen again!And I personally hope that by writing this I won't get caught under Section 114A. God bless.

What is May 13? A question which I believe not all the Malaysian especially the teenagers will know about it, mainly because nearly all the parents doesn't want their children to know what happened during May 13, some of them might know about May 13, but most of them got the wrong information from the government official statement about May 13, for what I know, according to our Malaysian history textbook, they did not fully tell us what really happened during May 13, they just said that it is a races riots between the chinese and the malay which ended up massive killing, I am so disappointed that our government did not fully provided the real information about it, in fact, they even twisted some of it to create a misunderstanding about what the opposition party has done to Malaysia. Well. I am going to talk about the truth behind the May 13, which is not officially recognized by the current government of Malaysia. It happened after the general election back in 1969, during the general election, although the Alliance Party (currently known as Barisan National) has won major control of federal government,but the opposition party which included, DAP, PAS, PPP, Gerakan, has also won many seats in the history of general election and the Alliance party nearly lost the control for the first time, Alliance Party also lost the control of few states. After the election, the DAP and Gerakan party had launched a massive celebration rally in KL, and there is a believe that the Alliance Party are the one who started the riots, because they are not happy about the election result and they wanted to create riots so that they can get the power back which they lost, there is also a believe saying that Tun Abdul Razak, the deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia during that time, wanted Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman to step down due to some conflict between each other, basically this May 13 is a tragedy which affected all the races in Malaysia, but it benefited a lot especially those dirty politician who gained their power by using this very dirty tactics. I am so happy that I get to know my driving teacher, who witnessed this tragedy which happened in his hometown, Ulu Yam Baru, Selangor, and he told me what really happened during that tragedy.

This tragedy actually started in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city in Malaysia, but soon it spread to few places too, and sad to say, my driving teacher's hometown is included as well. According to what he said, at May, 13th, 1969, while he was inside the home, he saw a group of rioters, which is outside his house, nearly all of them were carrying 'parang knives' and break into those houses especially houses with chinese people living inside, they break the door and kill those people immediately, he told me that he was so afraid and he even saw those dead body without their head! and then he quickly ran to the cave which is behind his house to prevent getting kill by those rioters, those rioters are mainly malay people, he believed that those people must be the people which is deeply influence from the government (UMNO) people. The main victim of this tragedy is mainly chinese and malay people, while he was hiding inside the cave, he saw a group of malay people, which also wanted to hide themselves to prevent getting killed too, at the beginning he was so afraid that those malay people who hide inside the cave will kill him as well, but at last he realized that he misunderstanding them! Nothing happened between him and those malay people, they just sit down quietly and left the place when the rioters are gone. At last he returned home after those rioters are gone, his hometown were under a mess, a lot of dead body were found everywhere on the street, police are everywhere patrolling the street. He also told me that the PKM (Parti Kominis Malaya) started to sent their forces to fight against the rioters, to protect the people especially the chinese people, and because the PKM over protect the chinese people, a lot of malay people started to hate PKM and many of them stand up and fight against them.

At first the government are so suprised that even PKM started to get involve with this tragedy so they decided to sent their army to fight against the PKM, and soon, it became a civil war between PKM and the government army, the PKM fought well, and they keep attacking the government building in Kuala Lumpur, many people died due to this civil war and the United Nation started to shows their concerned about the matter in Malaysia, and at last, United Nation decided to sent troops to calm down the situation in Malaysia, nearly all members of UN send their troops to Malaysia, the government of Malaysia are so suprised, and at last, a peace statement was signed between PKM and government of Malaysia in Hat Yai, the border Thailand which is near to Malaysia territory. The war eventually ended with a lot of life loss.

This tragedy killed a lot of people especially the chinese people are the majority victims who died in this tragedy, and in fact, the Malaysian chinese population decreased largely due to this tragedy. No matter what happened. We have learn a lesson which is, we should stand as one together, we shouldn't be a racist. Save Malaysia!

Saturday 24 November 2012

回教党和绿色苦行的朋友!(Anti Lynas)


相信大家都听过Anti Lynas, 反莱纳斯的种种活动吧?想信大家也知道最近他们这班敢死队,竟然敢敢要从彭亨关丹走路到KL的国会来抗议Lynas来马来西亚建厂以制造稀土。说实话,开始我真的以为这班人在开玩笑,走路?!!!我驾车从我家去到关丹都嫌累,可是他们敢敢要走路来KL?!开始我觉得他们应该不会成功,可是当我在网络Facebook看到这些人的一举一动,才发现,他们真的不是在开玩笑,他们是认真的!由Anti Lynas 主席带头的黄德先生,带着那班爱国人士开始他们的苦行,黄先生!我真的真的很敬佩你!他们从关丹一步一步的走,一路上,什么问题他们都遇过了,到最后,他们还是没有放弃,并且慢慢的走下去,慢慢的,就在十一月二十四号,星期六下午,他们就已经来到了雪兰莪境内了。

很多人都很奇怪,‘他们来就来啦!又关你什么事’? 根本就关我的事!因为这班人来到了雪兰莪境内,第一个到达的地方就是鹅唛(Gombak),靠近黑风洞,这么巧我父亲的五金店就在附近,也不知道我父亲是怎样和他们搭上关系,就这样,为了显示我们对这班爱国人士的小小support,我父亲就马上捐了几百元的现金,以让他们足够来买两天用的水来喝。那么这到底又关回教党什么事呢?也因为这么巧!Gombak 也靠经回教党(PAS)的总部,回教党二话不说,就马上打开他们总部的大礼堂,以让这班苦行人士进去休息和在那边过夜,不像传说中的马华公会,见到这些人就把它们党所的门锁起来,哈哈!当天晚上,反对党的的一些领袖有来那个大礼堂以表示对Anti Lynas 苦行队的支持。我父亲也决定,带我去回教党的总部来看看热闹和表示支持,这对我来说,简直就是天载难逢的一个好机会,我马上答应他了。

说真的,要去回教党总部的路上,真的不简单,它不像去UMNO总部一条直路那样的轻松。我们要经过只是一条路的Kampung村,可能是因为第一次要去回教党的总部,再加上我驾着我父亲的车来载他去那边,我竟然有一点点地怕,我在想,回教党的人,应该不会怎么样吧?其实怕也没用,没去又怎么知道呢,到了那边,我们不知道那里可以停车,我父亲就问问当地的居民那里可以停车,其中一位居民还以为我这辆车载着哪位大人物,还把头深近车镜里,甚至还叫我父亲把车驾进总部里面!他们还蛮友善的。把车停下了,我们就慢慢的走到回教党总部的大礼堂,礼堂外面还有一些小摊子,摆卖着那些Anti Lynas 的衣服,还有一群人(上图)围在摊子那边,我还以为有什么大事,原来是那个摊子正在播放着马来西亚反对党领袖Dato Seri安华的精彩演讲,那群人,为了看安华的演讲,就索性直接站在一起围着那边,我也走去人群里,他们还让一个位给我呢!当我拍下这张照片时,我不小心踩到一位年轻巫裔同胞的脚,我马上不好意思地和他道歉,他竟然还笑笑的和我说没关系!我在想,三大民族,不就是可以开开心心的活在一起吗??进去回教党的大礼堂,还有几位回教党的党员来欢迎我们的到来,我发誓他们根本就不认识我们,种种现象证明了回教党党员太友善了!

在礼堂里 ,我看到那班苦行人士在一边休息,然后我看到有很多当地居民,都在礼堂里面听一些政治领袖的演讲,包括几位当地的议员们在场给与支持!我看到苦行人士疲倦的样子,还看到黄德先生在台上的VIP座位上呢!现场的气氛还不错,还有几位小孩子很开心的在玩追追呢,还看到蛮多的华裔同胞,包括几位美女在现场!omg!哈哈!到底回教党可不可怕?我觉得一点也不可怕!它们为了支持这班苦行人士的到来,就把它们的礼堂让给他们过夜,还准备了一些小食招待他们呢!这也证明了,回教党为了反LynAs,什么人都不重要了!重要的是我们可以团结起来!对抗恶势力!这就是真真的马来西亚!要知道,反公害绝对不分你我,只要大家团结起来,什么都不是问题!Anti Lynas!投民联! 救救马来西亚,换!

Friday 23 November 2012

Top Gear!!

This time it's all about magazine, frankly speaking, it's not really my favorite because I seldom read magazine in my current life and in the past too, but if people ask me about magazine such as 'Play Boy', all those adults stuff definitely I will know it. But there is one magazine that I enjoy reading the most, which is................Top Gear! My favorite magazine when I started my secondary school life.

I started to read Top Gear magazine when I was in my secondary school, I remembered I was influenced by a car fanatics, who loves car crazily and he always read that magazine whenever he have any free time and even during school time he will always hide a few top gear magazine in his bag and he will read it when he got nothing to do. At the beginning I don't really read those kind of magazine, but sooner and after, I started to love that magazine, mainly is because when he read the magazine, he will always talk to me about how good the car is, how fast the car can go or what so ever, and this is how I started to love Top Gear magazine. At first I always borrowed the magazine from him to read but later after he graduated from high school, I also realized he is the only Top Gear fanatic who always read the magazine monthly when the new episode of magazine release in Malaysia. So at last I decided to buy it myself,and I also found that that magazine cost a lot for me, a Top Gear cost me RM 15! at first I don't feel like buying it but at last I do still continue to buy it because I think that it is worth by spending money to buy magazine to get more knowledge about
the car in the world.

Basically Top Gear magazine is all about the information of the cars in the world, they will do research about the current newest car,to compare the price of the car, the specification of the car and so on, for my favorite part is, when they gathered a few super cars such as a Lamborghini and a Bugatti and others, to compare which car can drive more faster, by reading Top Gear I got a lot of information about all the cars in the world, it is fun knowing something like this when not most of my friends know about it, Top Gear always publish the price list which is at the last few pages of the magazine, this is what get me excited the most, by comparing a price of this car to another type of car, especially when my friends is beside me, we discuss about how good and how bad the car is. But I have admitted that Top Gear isn't a kind of realistic for most of the people in Malaysia, because most of the car they put is all those expensive car in Europe, which the price is very expensive! which not all the people can afford to buy it.

I do still have to conclude that this magazine is still my favorite magazine, and I sincerely ho[e that I will get the chance to buy those car which is shown in the magazine. 

Thursday 15 November 2012

My dream (MA)

Last Friday, the last class for us before our Deepavali holiday begin, as usual, lecture for Media Appreciation by our lecturer, and again, we watched a movie which is quite interesting if compare to last time. Its a movie from Czech Republic, 2 young entrepreneur who tried to open up a supermarket by using all types of tactics to create attention to the public.

I have my own dream too, which is I wanted to become a deputy prime minister of Malaysia, people might think that I am crazy, because for what they know, prime minister in Malaysia are only reserve for malay people which I myself also don't know why, but I believe this is not a problem for me, and this is not crazy and it is quite realistic because according to the constitution of Malaysia, deputy prime minister are open to all races, so I believe if I can do well and serve well to the public, then I could become the deputy prime minister of Malaysia. This is a dream that I'm thinking about immediately after watching the Czech movie.

In real life we use to complaint a lot for our government, I always wonder if I am the deputy prime minister, I can go and help them out with the problem that they face, there are many things that I can do if I am the deputy prime minister, for example, anti corruption! I will make sure that my country is free from corruption, because I know that corruption did make our country became poor and poorer, so this will be my top priority mission if I become the deputy prime minister of Malaysia, second one will be creating a good image for my beloved country, Malaysia! I wanted to travel all around the world to visit every leader of those particular country, to talk them and promoting how good my country is, because recently I realized that our country is not trying their best to create a good image to the world, so I wanted to do so if I am the deputy prime minister, making my country to become famous and well known to the worldwide. I also wanted create peace for all other races and also people from different religion, as we can see nowadays there is a lot of conflict, quarrel and misunderstanding between other races and other religion, which it may be started by somebody which is a racist. My dream is achieve a peaceful Malaysia for all races, just like the time before we got independent, I wanted to see all races sitting down together and have a good chat to each other, helping each other whenever problem they had, how nice that it would be, although this may be the toughest one and it may take a very long times but I don't mind trying to achieve it.

My dream is to become a deputy prime minister of Malaysia, and be the good adviser of the prime minister of Malaysia, to help him to discuss the future of my beloved country. Malaysia! this may be just a dream, but I believe that this dream may come true!

Sunday 11 November 2012


经历了那些不必要的误会,被批评和被攻击,我个人决定想写一写有关于李宗伟的婚礼没请到他父亲的事件。我曾经为这件事情而公开批评宗伟的不对,也因为这次的事件,似乎很多我的朋友都对我开始有了偏见和误会,很多都认为我不喜欢宗伟。主要是因为我批评他!好这次我就来一个sekali gus!一次过解释我之前和现在的立场! 在此我在度声明!如果还有人不满我的言论,你们绝对有权批评我,身为mass comm kaki,我是一定要为自己的言论负责认,可是我也有权利选择接受或则置于不理,如果到现在你们还是不满我的话!马来西亚是很民主的,你可以马上起诉我毁谤宗伟!我奉陪!

首先我在此恭喜马来西亚的羽毛球好手DATO李宗伟终于结婚了!也恭喜黄妙珠正式升级成为DATIN WONG,恭喜恭喜!名人就是名人,每一位名人的喜事或者什么大事,都会成为媒体的焦点,这次也不例外,这次的纠纷,就是关于他没请到他的父亲李亚财先生,开始我并不明白他们李家的问题,只知道宗伟的婚礼应该会少不了他的父母的出现,结果在迎亲当天,报纸新闻就来了,李宗伟,他喜欢名贵跑车已经是公认的事实了,所以迎亲当天如果你看到,Lamborghini Aventador,RollsRoyce Phantom,Ferrari 458 Italia,别太过大惊小怪~报纸也登的大大,可是与此同时,报纸也登了有关李亚财亲自表明说他很失望因为没被邀亲去他的婚礼,我这个人就是这样,看了这则新闻,我就开始慢慢的认为宗伟他错了,礼貌尊重上他应该请他的父亲才对嘛!所以我就马上在面子书上公开的批评他,我的批评,引来了一群的围攻,很多人认为我不应该在还没看清事实而做出相关的批评,有的本来就很讨厌我的人,就乘这个机会,马上破口大骂我的不是,还拿我那没些不符合逻辑的事来和他比较!说什么我连自己都顾不了,还管别人的是非。

有些事情真的很奇怪,因为在昨天或者前几天,所谓真正的事实,就马上被人在网络疯狂的share来share区了!这些在宗伟小时候就已经发生着的事情,在他以前没什么提到甚至没人知道事情,竟然可以在一夜之间就马上在Facebook爆红了!原来他的父亲做错了太多错事了!又赌,又有小老婆,这点我不能不认Facebook的强大和它的影响力!李亚财的真正人为,我马上就一目了然!我承认我这次我的确没查明一切很多人所谓的事实, 在此我想和我的朋友和那些支持李宗伟的人说声对不起,因为的确我误会了宗伟。可是还有一点我真的不明白,宗伟他应该知道如果他没请到他的父亲,肯定会被人闲人闲语,很多人说他有尽量隐瞒事实,可是他因该知道在网络的世界,我们是肯本隐瞒不了事实的。你看1969年513的真实真相,和1987年茅草行动背后的动机,都慢慢的被世人一五一十的明白了。

我知道我是不因该去理别人的家事,真的很对不起,因为他是国家名人,很多人知道他的生活习惯也应该算是很正常的吧!更何况我是mass comm 的学生叻!技痒技痒嘛!所以宗伟大哥!对不起啦!恭喜你结婚了!希望你在球场上还是那么的强悍!不管发生什么事情lim peh我,是一定会一直的支持你的!

Saturday 10 November 2012

About 1 Citizen

Saturday morning, today I came for an extra class to attend a class name '1 Citizen', I believe many people may ask what is this class about?when they hear about '1', many people thought that it is all about government classes, well, I can tell you that it's not at all!

1 Citizen is a program which is sponsored and supported by the government of Malaysia, it is a program which teaches us about the things that may happen during the usage of the internet, what is the do and don't while surfing the internet, the responsibility while surfing the internet, at the beginning I thought that this class may be boring so I didn't really care much about it but after my lecturer, which is Ms Hema, teached us with confident. I found out that this program is quite interesting actually. Mainly this program teaches us the rule of the internet and I just realized that there are so many bad things may happen if we are not smart and careful enough while using the internet.

This program consist of 8 modules, which is e-Enterprise, e-Care, e-Access, e-Literate, e-Accountability, e-Rule, e-Safety, e-Interaction and Collaboration, basically all this module that I've learn its all about the things that we should be careful while surfing the internet, for example, you are not supposed to put our personal information into the internet because cyber crime may happen after doing so, they can use your personal information to do something illegal such as, robbing your house with the address, cheat your money by using all those tricks, my lecture also teaches us a lot of other stuff that I found that it is quite interesting. 

For my conclusion, it you didn't get the chance to join this program, I can only let you all know how it is going to looks like through my blog, and of course, get the chance to join this program so that you will learn more!

Saturday 3 November 2012




难得今天是周末,我父亲决定带我去那边走走看看,和另外两位uncle,这么巧有其中一位他的家乡就在边加兰那边!在清晨六点就驾车出发去边加兰了,坦白说,如果你们都不知道边加兰这个地方,我不会笑你们没见识,因为当我在Ayer Hitam (亚依淡)吃早餐的时候,餐馆的老板娘问我们要去哪里,我们说边加兰,她竟然问我们什么是边加兰.....连柔佛人都不知道自己的州有这个地方,哈哈!所以我说这个州真的很大。就让我来做个小小的介绍吧!边加兰是一个渔村,也是属于柔佛州的一个县,它位于柔州的东南边最下角的地方(上图)。边加兰是一个非常平静的渔村,那边也算是最靠近新加坡的领土,站在那边的码头,一眼就可以望到新加坡国际机场。当我到了那个地方,一下车,迎接我们的,就是一股清凉的海风,再来就是一场大豪雨,在这个地方我看到超多的新加坡游客来这里游玩,有的来骑脚车,有的则来吃海鲜,这里的海鲜,我可以说是,一流!好吃!又不贵!令我最惊叹的,就是那边的三大民族,竟然可以非常和谐的住在一起,和谐的程度,真的很让我尊重他们!就比如那边的回教堂的隔壁可以住着华人的家庭,佛庙的隔壁,也可以住着巫裔同胞!大家就这样住了很多年,没有歧视,只有和谐!如果要去宁静又和谐的地方,我会建议你边加兰!

