Thursday 29 November 2012

History. A fiction story about May 13.

Friday 23th of November! We had our last lecture for Media Appreciation, and as usual, our lecturer showed us a documentary movie about the atomic bomb which was dropped in 2 main Japan city. Before that he said that we might going to cry after watching that but at last, I did not manage to make my tears to come out.

Before our lecturer start playing that movie, he did tell us that he failed his sejarah (history) during his SPM examination, and he felt proud of it, I am so sad to hear that because I love history so much, he said he got good result in other subjects expect history paper, which is totally different with my situation, during my O Level examination, I did not manage to get even a credit in maths and economy paper, which my parents are so upset until now, but I'm proud to say that I have a good interest which not many others does, which is, studying history! and this is why on that Friday, that documentary movie made me alive during the lecture time! I agreed that this documentary movie is based on the real story which really happened in Japan and USA, but I personally think that they did not tell the story fully enough, and I myself think that I can talk even more about the making of atomic bomb and how they use it to Japan. But I do have a story which is quite interesting to tell which is related about.......May 13! I know it is quite a sensitive topic to talk about, but, with this history knowledge we can learn from it so that we won't make this tragedy to be happen again!And I personally hope that by writing this I won't get caught under Section 114A. God bless.

What is May 13? A question which I believe not all the Malaysian especially the teenagers will know about it, mainly because nearly all the parents doesn't want their children to know what happened during May 13, some of them might know about May 13, but most of them got the wrong information from the government official statement about May 13, for what I know, according to our Malaysian history textbook, they did not fully tell us what really happened during May 13, they just said that it is a races riots between the chinese and the malay which ended up massive killing, I am so disappointed that our government did not fully provided the real information about it, in fact, they even twisted some of it to create a misunderstanding about what the opposition party has done to Malaysia. Well. I am going to talk about the truth behind the May 13, which is not officially recognized by the current government of Malaysia. It happened after the general election back in 1969, during the general election, although the Alliance Party (currently known as Barisan National) has won major control of federal government,but the opposition party which included, DAP, PAS, PPP, Gerakan, has also won many seats in the history of general election and the Alliance party nearly lost the control for the first time, Alliance Party also lost the control of few states. After the election, the DAP and Gerakan party had launched a massive celebration rally in KL, and there is a believe that the Alliance Party are the one who started the riots, because they are not happy about the election result and they wanted to create riots so that they can get the power back which they lost, there is also a believe saying that Tun Abdul Razak, the deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia during that time, wanted Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman to step down due to some conflict between each other, basically this May 13 is a tragedy which affected all the races in Malaysia, but it benefited a lot especially those dirty politician who gained their power by using this very dirty tactics. I am so happy that I get to know my driving teacher, who witnessed this tragedy which happened in his hometown, Ulu Yam Baru, Selangor, and he told me what really happened during that tragedy.

This tragedy actually started in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city in Malaysia, but soon it spread to few places too, and sad to say, my driving teacher's hometown is included as well. According to what he said, at May, 13th, 1969, while he was inside the home, he saw a group of rioters, which is outside his house, nearly all of them were carrying 'parang knives' and break into those houses especially houses with chinese people living inside, they break the door and kill those people immediately, he told me that he was so afraid and he even saw those dead body without their head! and then he quickly ran to the cave which is behind his house to prevent getting kill by those rioters, those rioters are mainly malay people, he believed that those people must be the people which is deeply influence from the government (UMNO) people. The main victim of this tragedy is mainly chinese and malay people, while he was hiding inside the cave, he saw a group of malay people, which also wanted to hide themselves to prevent getting killed too, at the beginning he was so afraid that those malay people who hide inside the cave will kill him as well, but at last he realized that he misunderstanding them! Nothing happened between him and those malay people, they just sit down quietly and left the place when the rioters are gone. At last he returned home after those rioters are gone, his hometown were under a mess, a lot of dead body were found everywhere on the street, police are everywhere patrolling the street. He also told me that the PKM (Parti Kominis Malaya) started to sent their forces to fight against the rioters, to protect the people especially the chinese people, and because the PKM over protect the chinese people, a lot of malay people started to hate PKM and many of them stand up and fight against them.

At first the government are so suprised that even PKM started to get involve with this tragedy so they decided to sent their army to fight against the PKM, and soon, it became a civil war between PKM and the government army, the PKM fought well, and they keep attacking the government building in Kuala Lumpur, many people died due to this civil war and the United Nation started to shows their concerned about the matter in Malaysia, and at last, United Nation decided to sent troops to calm down the situation in Malaysia, nearly all members of UN send their troops to Malaysia, the government of Malaysia are so suprised, and at last, a peace statement was signed between PKM and government of Malaysia in Hat Yai, the border Thailand which is near to Malaysia territory. The war eventually ended with a lot of life loss.

This tragedy killed a lot of people especially the chinese people are the majority victims who died in this tragedy, and in fact, the Malaysian chinese population decreased largely due to this tragedy. No matter what happened. We have learn a lesson which is, we should stand as one together, we shouldn't be a racist. Save Malaysia!


  1. Thank you Aaron for sharing your driving instructor's story to us. I'm happy that the truth is out. But be careful now Aaron, as I fear the worst may yet come true.

    1. the worst like what? like May 13 haha, I dont think this may happen again, the people of Malaysia aren't that stupid nowadays. Btw sorry for the super late reply!
