Thursday 15 November 2012

My dream (MA)

Last Friday, the last class for us before our Deepavali holiday begin, as usual, lecture for Media Appreciation by our lecturer, and again, we watched a movie which is quite interesting if compare to last time. Its a movie from Czech Republic, 2 young entrepreneur who tried to open up a supermarket by using all types of tactics to create attention to the public.

I have my own dream too, which is I wanted to become a deputy prime minister of Malaysia, people might think that I am crazy, because for what they know, prime minister in Malaysia are only reserve for malay people which I myself also don't know why, but I believe this is not a problem for me, and this is not crazy and it is quite realistic because according to the constitution of Malaysia, deputy prime minister are open to all races, so I believe if I can do well and serve well to the public, then I could become the deputy prime minister of Malaysia. This is a dream that I'm thinking about immediately after watching the Czech movie.

In real life we use to complaint a lot for our government, I always wonder if I am the deputy prime minister, I can go and help them out with the problem that they face, there are many things that I can do if I am the deputy prime minister, for example, anti corruption! I will make sure that my country is free from corruption, because I know that corruption did make our country became poor and poorer, so this will be my top priority mission if I become the deputy prime minister of Malaysia, second one will be creating a good image for my beloved country, Malaysia! I wanted to travel all around the world to visit every leader of those particular country, to talk them and promoting how good my country is, because recently I realized that our country is not trying their best to create a good image to the world, so I wanted to do so if I am the deputy prime minister, making my country to become famous and well known to the worldwide. I also wanted create peace for all other races and also people from different religion, as we can see nowadays there is a lot of conflict, quarrel and misunderstanding between other races and other religion, which it may be started by somebody which is a racist. My dream is achieve a peaceful Malaysia for all races, just like the time before we got independent, I wanted to see all races sitting down together and have a good chat to each other, helping each other whenever problem they had, how nice that it would be, although this may be the toughest one and it may take a very long times but I don't mind trying to achieve it.

My dream is to become a deputy prime minister of Malaysia, and be the good adviser of the prime minister of Malaysia, to help him to discuss the future of my beloved country. Malaysia! this may be just a dream, but I believe that this dream may come true!

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